Monday, April 27, 2009


Listener Commands:
The listener's involvement is summarized as:
The listener catches the request spawns or requests a database process/thread redirects or passes the connection to the process/thread, usually on a different port gets out of the way

set an encrypted listener password
c:\oracle\product\ora102\bin> lsnrctl startLSNRCTL> change_password
Old password:
New password:
Reenter new password:
LSNRCTL> save_config

Quit the listener application:
c:\oracle\product\ora10\bin> lsnrctl

View help information:
c:\oracle\product\ora10\bin> lsnrctl help
c:\oracle\product\ora10\bin> lsnrctl

kill on *NIX:
ps -efgrep tnslsnrawk '{ print $2; }'xargs kill -9

Causes a reread the listener.ora file. Enables the addition or modification of statically configured services without stopping the listener.
In addition, the database services, instances, service handlers, and listening endpoints that were dynamically registered with the listener are unregistered and subsequently registered again.
LSNRCTL> reload

Use the SAVE_CONFIG command to compare the current configuration state of the listener, including trace level, trace file, trace directory, and logging to the listener.ora file. Any changes are stored in listener.ora, preserving formatting, comments, and case as much as possible. Prior to modification of the listener.ora file, a backup of the file, called listener.bak, is created.
See change_password above

View the configured listener service:
LSNRCTL> services

set Parameter:
current_listener: set current_listener
LSNRCTL> set current_listener uwlistener

displaymode: set displaymode
LSNRCTL> set displaymode VERBOSE

inbound_connect_timeout: set inbound_connect_timeout
LSNRCTL> set inound_connect_timeout 0

log_directory: set log_directory
LSNRCTL> set log_directory c:\temp

log_file: set log_file
LSNRCTL> set log_file uwlistener.log

log_status: set log_status <>
LSNRCTL> set log_status ON

password: set password
LSNRCTL> set password Password:

rawmode:set rawmode
LSNRCTL> set rawmode OFF

save_config_on_stop: set save_config_on_stop
LSNRCTL> set save_config_on_stop ON

startup_waittime: set startup_waittime
LSNRCTL> set startup_waittime 0

trc_directory: set trc_directory
LSNRCTL> set trc_directory c:\temp

trc_file: set trc_level
LSNRCTL> set trc_file uwlistener.trc

trc_level: set trc_level
Value Description
0 - 1 off
2 - 3 err
4 - 5 user
6 - 14 admin
15 dev
16 - 99 support
LSNRCTL> set trc_level 0

View the current listener services:
c:\oracle\product\ora10\bin> lsnrctl services

show Parameter
current_listener: show current_listener
LSNRCTL> show current_listener

displaymode: show displaymode
LSNRCTL> show displaymode

LSNRCTL> show inbound_connect_timeout

log_directory: show log_directory
LSNRCTL> show log_directory

log_file: show log_file
LSNRCTL> show log_file

log_status: show log_status
ON if listener activity is logged
LSNRCTL> show log_status

rawmode: show rawmode
LSNRCTL> show rawmode

save_config_on_stop: show save_config_on_stop
LSNRCTL> show save_config_on_stop

snmp_visible: show snmp_visible
LSNRCTL> show snmp_visible

startup_waittime: show startup_waittime
LSNRCTL> show startup_waittimeDefault is 0

trc_directory: show trc_directory
LSNRCTL> show trc_directory

trc_file: show trc_fileDefault is listener.trc
LSNRCTL> show trc_file

trc_level: show trc_level
LSNRCTL> show trc_level

start the listener:
c:\oracle\product\ora10\bin> lsnrctl start

view the current listener status:
c:\oracle\product\ora10\bin> lsnrctl status

stop the listener:
c:\oracle\product\ora10\bin> lsnrctl stop

Show the currently installed listener version:
c:\oracle\product\ora10\bin> lsnrctl version

Listener Parameters:
Prevent remote modification of listener.ora using lsnrctl commands

Typical Listener.ora file for standalone Oracle.
# listener.ora Network Configuration File:
# c:\oracle\product\ora10\network\admin\listener.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

(ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle\product\ora10)
(PROGRAM = extproc)
(GLOBAL_DBNAME = orabase)
(ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle\product\ora10)
(SID_NAME = orabase)

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = perrito)(PORT = 1521))

Queue Size:
Add the queuesize parameter in your listener.ora file in the address description. By default oracle is able to open only 16 simultaneous connections

The result should look like this:
(ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = your-hostname)(PORT = 1521) (QUEUESIZE = 30))

Trace Levels:
Value equivalents:
OFF (equivalent to 0) provides no tracing
USER (equivalent to 4) identify user error error conditions
ADMIN (equivalent to 6) identify installation-specific problems
SUPPORT (equivalent to 16) provides trace information for support

Trace file results are written to $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace.

Force the database to register, or reregister, with the listener:

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